Jcare In Nourishes your pancreas
Jumat, 17 September 2010
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JCARE-IN is a combination of special herbs selected from all over the world. Using modern bio-technological method and a cold extraction system, we produce JCARE-IN, a unique product to promote insulin production and balance your pancreas functions.
1. Buckwheat (Fagopyrum Esculentum)
Buckwheat is an ancient herb cultivated in China around the year 1000. In the 14th Century it traveled with the Mongols to Russia and moved on to Europe reaching Britain in the 17th Century. Dutch settlers brought it to the Hudson Valley of New York.
- Lowers blood glucose
- Lowers blood pressure
- Lowers cholesterol
2. Astragalus root (Radix Astragali Seu Hedysari)
Astragalus root, one of nature’s true super-foods is used as an immune enhancer and as an adaptogen to balance your body systems. It is found mainly in Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Gansu and Heilongjiang Province of China. The Chinese name “Huang Qi” which means “Superior Yellow” indicates that the Chinese have long considered this root as a superior herb
- Relieves edema (general swelling of the body)
- Heals wounds and tissues
3. Kudzuvine Root (Radix Pueraria Lobata)
The Kudzuvine Root (known as Ge Gen in China or Kudzu in Japan) is listed among the top 50 Chinese herbs. This plant can be found in Southern Japan and South-east China. The root can grow up to the size of a human being. The Harvard Medical School is currently studying the curative value of the Kudzuvine.
- Reduces blood sugar levels
- Strengthens the heart
- Dilates blood vessels
4. Magnoliavin Fruit (Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis)
Traditionally, Magnoliavin fruit is also listed in China among the top 50 Chinese herbs by the Chinese ancient herbalists. This is one of the few herbs which contain more than 50% of polysacharrides.
- Protection of the liver
- Strengthen the heart
- Strengthen the kidney
5. Ligustri Fruit (Fructus Ligustri Lucidi)
This fruit is found mainly in the Zhejian, Jiangsu, Hunan, Sichuan and Fujian provinces of China. The Chinese name “Nu Zhen Zi” literary means a “Chaste Woman” thus suggesting that this fruit provides purity and from the Chinese explanation, “pure yin”.
- Protection of the liver
- Strengthen the kidney
Rehmanniae root was used mainly by the ancient Chinese herbalist to treat diabetes. The Chinese name “Yellow Earth” suggested that it is used to cool down the heat caused by high sugar levels and to tone the kidney and the pancreas.
- Replenish essence in pancreas.
- Strengthen the kidney.
7. Rosae Fruit (Fructus Rosae Laevigatae)
The Rosae Fruit when use in combination with other herbs works very well to smoothen the internal organs energy flow especially in the intestines, the kidneys and the bladder.
- Strengthen the kidney
- Strengthen the bladder
8. Hawthorn fruit (Fructus Crataegus Pinnafilda)
There are about 300 species of hawthorn worldwide. Traditionally, the hawthorn had been used by the ancient Chinese as a herbs to treat hypertension and to simulate blood circulation. The Native Americans used it to treat kidney and bladder ailments.
- Promote blood circulation
- Beneficial for kidney and bladder ailment
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